Aksident ne vlore

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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Aksident ne vlore

Aksodent ne vlore ne zonen e ashquajtur "Omonja" , i riu me Emrin Eri Spaho i cili ka qen ne qendje te dehur informacion i siguruar nga miqet e tij t afret ka ber aksident me biciklet i cili ka rezultuar me pasoja fatale per te riun nga vlore . Eri ishte nje djal me ambicje edhe endra per te ardhmen ai deshironte te shiste automjetin e tij t tipit Ford edhe te vazhdonte studimet e larta pr shkenca kompjuterike , kto endra iu pren te riut ne mes nga ky aksident fatal. Te afermit bej apel per ndim financiare . Ngushellime familiarve !

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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    trudeau approves new canadian flag design Rumor has it Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, working closely with The Honourable Pablo Rodriguezo, Canadian Heritage minister and Quebec Lieutenant, have finalized the new flag design. Trudeau stated "We are very excited to unveil this updated design which better reflects the direction we are moving the country to" Once approved, unveiling is to take place this year on Canada day.