The former President of the United States responsible for the epidemic.

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The former President of the United States responsible for the epidemic.

For some time now, several theories have denounced the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, as the culprit of the Covid-19 epidemic. But according to our latest sources coming from former members of the American government present during the mandate of Donald Trump like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, exclusive information has been delivered to us and could change the course of history.
To give more concrete explanations, knowing the presidency of Donald Trump, whose affinity with the radical right, he would have initially wanted to create a virus that he could eradicate foreigners. To "launch this project" the former president of the United States was not alone, Stephen Miller, one of the most radical presidential advisers, in particular a supporter of an anti-immigration policy, was a valuable help, he was considered as his right-hand man. He defended Donal Trump during an interview on Fox News on Sunday morning about racist remarks: "I fundamentally disagree with the idea that if you criticize someone and it's a person of a different skin color that makes it a racist criticism," he said.
To give an explanation for such a desire to exterminate a part of the country, several of our sources replied to the unit that he was simply racist. He has been under fire for a week for having called, on several occasions, for these
women to "go back" to the countries from which "they came"-even though three of them were born in the United States. It was these women in the House of Representatives who allowed us to gather all this information because they wanted the public to know what was going on behind Donald Trump's mandate. Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib have denounced "openly racist" attacks.
Moreover, to avoid being accused of this story, Donal Trump has been very quiet about Covid-19 during his tenure. He was even named chief disseminator of false information about Covid-19 by researchers at Cornell University, USA, who conducted the first study of media misinformation in the era of the coronavirus, published on Thursday, October 1.
We advise you to stay tuned, within a week another article will be published to explain how Donald Trump created such a large virus and how it all went wrong. We have planned an interview with several scientists who should bring us heavy information that could bring down Donald Trump. 

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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